My DP is off work this week...supposedly to help keep the youngest occupied as he is on half term. Well its not working out that way as DS2 is busy and not wanting be a toy so he is 'answering back'. This is the most serious crime any child...well anyone really...can commit as far as DP is concerned, he goes ballistic if DS2 has a different opinion never mind actually responding to comments made to him. DP actually shouted at DS once 'how dare you disagree with me!!' you can tell DP is not the most normal person and does have very narc tendencies...he also matches a number of the abuser profiles in Lundy Bancroft's book. (I know he's not nice, I have already said I'm only with him because I don't have the money to leave).
Anyway he is home all week and is bored and so flopping and wanting to do stuff with going shopping. He came shopping with me yesterday and was honestly less help than DS2, and less company. He talked at me a bit but basically we said nothing to each other the whole time. He was just looking for something to do and nothing better was offered. I am presumably supposed to organise activities he and DS2 can do, so that he can be 'martyred' (his favourite pose) whilst actually doing stuff he wants to but DS2 isn't really bothered for...a total win as far as DP is concerned. But I gave up organising stuff years ago...I found being told I was 'bossy' for organising stuff too much, especially as I was left to do everything. An example...this post is really rambling but as I'm the only one who reads it who cares...DP decided he wanted us all to go out on a picnic, telling me his plans the morning of said picnic which meant I'd no chance to plan anything food wise. I decided I'd had enough and so left organising stuff to DP, well he was the one who wanted the picnic after all and I was constantly being told I was bossy so presumably my organising stuff was not appreciated. No prizes for guessing we didn't go on the picnic...or indeed any subsequent picnics.
DP is also being annoyingly clingy this week...yes I know I am only half way through the week but it already feels like the longest week ever...he is constantly coming to ask me how to do stuff and checking he is doing something right...he never asks my opinion on anything or ever acknowledges I might have more skill in any activity, so him asking me how to mix cake batter is just annoying and pathetically creepy!
Its DS2's birthday today and even though DP has taken time off work to be with DS2 he has planned other stuff for today...what a knob! Luckily we are all having much more fun without DP around. I can't wait for the week to be over!
Update...well we survived the week if only just, my DD was left seriously overtired and struggled to cope with the stress and noise during the week. DS2 escaped for some of the week but even he found DP being home all the time too much for him.
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