Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Some people are too stupid to be allowed out on their own.

Well on Tuesday DP was supposed to be flying out to Poland, for work. He had the flight times and all that but managed to miss his flight as he got to the airport late and hadn't left enough time to get through security. Given the levels of security at airports nowadays what made him think he was so special he would be rushed through security I don't know.

I then got a text asking is he could book another plane ticket, we don't really have enough money but it was the only way he was going to get to work so I said he could. I didn't say he could spend £100 on an hotel room and get some Polish money! He has left us really short of cash, not that he cares he seems to assume cash will be there for anything he wants when he wants it.

I don't envy him the phone call to work explaining he missed the plane...though somehow doubt he mentioned it was because of his stupidity/arrogance in arriving late. I imagine he stressed the length of time it took to get through security...we all know it takes ages which is why you arrive so early!

He does have previous for being really stupid getting on a plane. He has packed a bag to get on a flight to Ireland that included his Wing Chun knives...he likes to pretend he is so dedicated to his martial art that he needs to practise all the time. Anyway, he got to check in his bag and, what a surprise, it was too heavy and he had to pay for the excess! What a moron his ticket will have said the baggage allowance he was allowed.

This time he has packed his new running shoes. He has finally decided, after many, many years of talking, to take up running and seems to think he will be doing the London Marathon next year. He went out running for the first time on Monday and was actually running for maybe 10-15 minutes. Given that it had been raining most of the previous day and the place he claimed to have run is notorious for being a muddy walk I expected him to come back covered in mud and with his shoes having lost that brilliant white newness. No his shoes looked pristine and still has their just out of the box newness. Not sure he actually made it out of the car park. Such a bull shitter! He has such a high opinion of himself, not sure why but he truly believes he is infallible and omnipotent!! You may get the impression its not an opinion I share!

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