I put up a thread on Mumsnet asking why anyone could bring themselves to vote Labour. I have many reasons why I could never bring myself to vote for them ranging from the arrogance of Brown and his handling of the economy in good times...ably supported by Balls and Ed Miliband, North Staffordshire NHS, the NHS in Wales, the education system, the toxic effects of benefits, their inability to make hard decisions about pension ages and of course the effects of political correctness in Rotherham and many other Labour run Councils. The rampant hypocrisy of much of the Labour front bench also turns my stomach.
Anyway I posted the thread in a fairly jokey manner mentioning Ed Miliband's inability to eat a bacon sandwich and other such silliness. While I do feel the incidents show how out of touch the whole Labour machinery are, having a photo opportunity with your leader eating a bacon sandwich to show he is a 'normal person' is a bit silly if he then eats the sandwich is a really dorky manner. Also given his Jewish background a bacon sandwich was a tad ill considered and slightly rude I felt. Also if you are photographed in your kitchen to try and portray you as 'normal' rather than mega rich its going to make you look stupid when it emerges the following day that this is not your actual kitchen but a second kitchen...yes really a 'normal' person then. Obviously non of this would matter if the Labour Party wasn't trying sooo hard to claim they are all 'real' people just like the rest of us unlike those evil, nasty Conservatives!
Anyway, as I guessed the posters on Mumsnet went ballistic and were foaming at the mouth about my 'reason's for not voting Labour. They had a total collective sense of humour bypass and totally failed to read any of my actual reasons and just went nuts over my...patently...'humorous' reasons. Okay maybe my post wasn't as funny as I thought it was, humour is very individual after all but the vitriol that came out was out of all proportion to my comments. It has been noted by many commentators that when the Left disagrees with an idea they demonise it and will attack anyone who espouses the idea, often in unpleasantly personal ways. The Right tends to attack the idea but accept that people have different ideas and that holding a different view does not make you stupid or evil.
I still hope, a fairly unrealistic hope I know, that Labour won't win the election. They will given how skewed the electoral system is to them and the fact that so many people vote tribally and seem to believe the propaganda spinning out of Labour Party Headquarters...the last Government had nothing to do with the last Recession, even the economy is worse under the current Government, not sure how anyone believes that but there is no telling what a true believer will accept! My favourite silliness to come out of the thread was the belief, which more than one poster seriously seemed to think was true, was that Ed Miliband came from a poor background! Given his parents were both lecturers and his family lived in a big house on Primrose Hill in London I fail to see how 'poor' his background was!
Anyway I can certainly recommend stirring up the hornets nest that is Mumsnet by casting aspersions on one of their pet ideas and see how quickly they loose any sense of humour!
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