Wednesday, 27 May 2015

The Longest Week

My DP is off work this week...supposedly to help keep the youngest occupied as he is on half term. Well  its not working out that way as DS2 is busy and not wanting be a toy so he is 'answering back'. This is the most serious crime any child...well anyone really...can commit as far as DP is concerned, he goes ballistic if DS2 has a different opinion never mind actually responding to comments made to him. DP actually shouted at DS once 'how dare you disagree with me!!' you can tell DP is not the most normal person and does have very narc tendencies...he also matches a number of the abuser profiles in Lundy Bancroft's book. (I know he's not nice, I have already said I'm only with him because I don't have the money to leave).

Anyway he is home all week and is bored and so flopping and wanting to do stuff with going shopping. He came shopping with me yesterday and was honestly less help than DS2, and less company. He talked at me a bit but basically we said nothing to each other the whole time. He was just looking for something to do and nothing better was offered. I am presumably supposed to organise activities he and DS2 can do, so that he can be 'martyred' (his favourite pose) whilst actually doing stuff he wants to but DS2 isn't really bothered for...a total win as far as DP is concerned. But I gave up organising stuff years ago...I found being told I was 'bossy' for organising stuff too much, especially as I was left to do everything. An example...this post is really rambling but as I'm the only one who reads it who cares...DP decided he wanted us all to go out on a picnic, telling me his plans the morning of said picnic which meant I'd no chance to plan anything food wise. I decided I'd had enough and so left organising stuff to DP, well he was the one who wanted the picnic after all and I was constantly being told I was bossy so presumably my organising stuff was not appreciated. No prizes for guessing we didn't go on the picnic...or indeed any subsequent picnics.

DP is also being annoyingly clingy this week...yes I know I am only half way through the week but it already feels like the longest week ever...he is constantly coming to ask me how to do stuff and checking he is doing something right...he never asks my opinion on anything or ever acknowledges I might have more skill in any activity, so him asking me how to mix cake batter is just annoying and pathetically creepy!

Its DS2's birthday today and even though DP has taken time off work to be with DS2 he has planned other stuff for today...what a knob! Luckily we are all having much more fun without DP around. I can't wait for the week to be over!

Update...well we survived the week if only just, my DD was left seriously overtired and struggled to cope with the stress and noise during the week. DS2 escaped for some of the week but even he found DP being home all the time too much for him.

Friday, 8 May 2015

The relief is enormous!!!

Well the election results have come in and what a surprise. The Conservatives have a slim majority, its such good news. The prospect of Ed Miliband as Prime Minister was so scary and embarrassing but seemed so inevitable. Luckily the opinion polls were universally wrong and the Labour Party lost a pile of seats. My favourite moment was Ed Balls loosing his seat...a fine moment and one I managed to see live as the count, and recount, took so long I was more than up and ready to watch TV by the time the result came in.

It will be interesting to see the new Cabinet listings and see if people like Ian Duncan-Smith are left to continue their excellent work on reforming benefits. My preference is for Gove to be given Education back again, the teaching unions really need to be brought into the C21st. I will also look forward to the Boundary Reforms, that were attempted last time but scuppered when the LibDems broke their promises and voted against, can be set in motion.

All in all a really good result and a testament to the basic common sense of the electorate. There are problems in the system, SNP got 1.5 million votes and 50+ seats while UKIP got over 4 million votes and only 1 seat. Doesn't seem fair, but a basically good result for the country, especially without Balls and now Miliband has resigned so, theoretically the Labour Party can reflect on what they did wrong and rebuild. Though judging by their comments today the Labour Party feel their problems were caused by right wing media, negative campaigning(theirs was the most negative campaign, followed by the LibDems according to academic research) and so on.

The real problem the Labour Party needs to address is that they have taken their supporters for granted for many, many years and have no idea what they want. Too many Labour Party officials are metropolitan, Southern and from comfortable or wealthy backgrounds. Hardly representative of their constituencies, which tend to be Northern and poor! As was said in Scotland 'we didn't abandon the Labour Party, they abandoned us', which is true. The Labour Party has turned so inward and spouts so much dogma they have no connection with their supporters. We will see if they learn this, plenty of commentator have been saying the same all day, so they can't say no one has told them.

Update: well Ian Duncan-Smith has been left to continue his reforms of the benefit system which is really good news and while Gove hasn't been given Education back he has been given Justice and can get to work on reforming the Human Rights legislation to stop criminals using a 'right to family life' as a get out clause, even when they have deprived other people of their 'right to a family life' by murder!   I will look forward to seeing what happens.

The press and twittersphere have been in overdrive the past few days with the Left deriding the results and generally being unpleasant and nasty. As far as they are concerned anyone who voted Conservative is evil and only Labour should ever be allowed to win....only to be expected but, God what entitled babies!

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Some people are too stupid to be allowed out on their own.

Well on Tuesday DP was supposed to be flying out to Poland, for work. He had the flight times and all that but managed to miss his flight as he got to the airport late and hadn't left enough time to get through security. Given the levels of security at airports nowadays what made him think he was so special he would be rushed through security I don't know.

I then got a text asking is he could book another plane ticket, we don't really have enough money but it was the only way he was going to get to work so I said he could. I didn't say he could spend £100 on an hotel room and get some Polish money! He has left us really short of cash, not that he cares he seems to assume cash will be there for anything he wants when he wants it.

I don't envy him the phone call to work explaining he missed the plane...though somehow doubt he mentioned it was because of his stupidity/arrogance in arriving late. I imagine he stressed the length of time it took to get through security...we all know it takes ages which is why you arrive so early!

He does have previous for being really stupid getting on a plane. He has packed a bag to get on a flight to Ireland that included his Wing Chun knives...he likes to pretend he is so dedicated to his martial art that he needs to practise all the time. Anyway, he got to check in his bag and, what a surprise, it was too heavy and he had to pay for the excess! What a moron his ticket will have said the baggage allowance he was allowed.

This time he has packed his new running shoes. He has finally decided, after many, many years of talking, to take up running and seems to think he will be doing the London Marathon next year. He went out running for the first time on Monday and was actually running for maybe 10-15 minutes. Given that it had been raining most of the previous day and the place he claimed to have run is notorious for being a muddy walk I expected him to come back covered in mud and with his shoes having lost that brilliant white newness. No his shoes looked pristine and still has their just out of the box newness. Not sure he actually made it out of the car park. Such a bull shitter! He has such a high opinion of himself, not sure why but he truly believes he is infallible and omnipotent!! You may get the impression its not an opinion I share!

Friday, 1 May 2015

Sense of humour bypass

I put up a thread on Mumsnet asking why anyone could bring themselves to vote Labour. I have many reasons why I could never bring myself to vote for them ranging from the arrogance of Brown and his handling of the economy in good times...ably supported by Balls and Ed Miliband, North Staffordshire NHS, the NHS in Wales, the education system, the toxic effects of benefits, their inability to make hard decisions about pension ages and of course the effects of political correctness in Rotherham and many other Labour run Councils. The rampant hypocrisy of much of the Labour front bench also turns my stomach.

Anyway I posted the thread in a fairly jokey manner mentioning Ed Miliband's inability to eat a bacon sandwich and other such silliness. While I do feel the incidents show how out of touch the whole Labour machinery are, having a photo opportunity with your leader eating a bacon sandwich to show he is a 'normal person' is a bit silly if he then eats the sandwich is a really dorky manner. Also given his Jewish background a bacon sandwich was a tad ill considered and slightly rude I felt. Also if you are photographed in your kitchen to try and portray you as 'normal' rather than mega rich its going to make you look stupid when it emerges the following day that this is not your actual kitchen but a second kitchen...yes really a 'normal' person then. Obviously non of this would matter if the Labour Party wasn't trying sooo hard to claim they are all 'real' people just like the rest of us unlike those evil, nasty Conservatives!

Anyway, as I guessed the posters on Mumsnet went ballistic and were foaming at the mouth about my 'reason's for not voting Labour. They had a total collective sense of humour bypass and totally failed to read any of my actual reasons and just went nuts over my...patently...'humorous'  reasons. Okay maybe my post wasn't as funny as I thought it was, humour is very individual after all but the vitriol that came out was out of all proportion to my comments. It has been noted by many commentators that when the Left disagrees with an idea they demonise it and will attack anyone who espouses the idea, often in unpleasantly personal ways. The Right tends to attack the idea but accept that people have different ideas and that holding a different view does not make you stupid or evil.

I still hope, a fairly unrealistic hope I know, that Labour won't win the election. They will given how skewed the electoral system is to them and the fact that so many people vote tribally and seem to believe the propaganda spinning out of Labour Party Headquarters...the last Government had nothing to do with the last Recession, even the economy is worse under the current Government, not sure how anyone believes that but there is no telling what a true believer will accept! My favourite silliness to come out of the thread was the belief, which more than one poster seriously seemed to think was true, was that Ed Miliband came from a poor background! Given his parents were both lecturers and his family lived in a big house on Primrose Hill in London I fail to see how 'poor' his background was!

Anyway I can certainly recommend stirring up the hornets nest that is Mumsnet by casting aspersions on one of their pet ideas and see how quickly they loose any sense of humour!