Sunday, 3 January 2016

Into the New Year

This is the last day before life gets back to what counts as normal in this house. DP is back to work tomorrow and we are all very pleased about that...he has been sooo bored all holiday and has done absolutely nothing. He couldn't even escape to the gym because it was closed various times because of the holidays. He watched lots of TV and spent weird amounts of time on Facebook but that's pretty much all he's done all holiday.
The Sunday after Xmas DS2, DP and I went over to my parents as DB and his wife were there for the day. DD was too poorly to leave the house and even if, by some miracle, she had felt up to doing something visiting her GPs wouldn't have been even close to top of her list. DS1 stayed to look after DD as he has the same views about GPs that DD has...I would happily have stayed but that wasn't on the cards at all. The day was ok I guess...nothing too offensive was said, though my DF said...more than nice it was to have 'the whole family' round the table. Given DD and DS1 weren't there and DB1 died over 25 years ago it was tactless even by DF's normal standards. I spent much of the day washing up...well it got me out of the way and was infinitely preferable to spending time with DM who was being even more offensive and disagreeable than normal. DS2 noticed how loud and rude she was...normally he doesn't register her behaviour. She is not a nice person...and is almost certainly smoking again...what a twat.
Other than that its been a case of enduring the holiday period until DP pisses off back to work. Probably the most boring, endless Xmas ever.
DD is extremely tired after the holiday period...DS2 has been more than normally hard work, partly having DP home and partly he struggles with any change in routine. He has also been waiting...very impatiently for a screen he ordered on 26th December to arrive so he can have a PS2 in his room...something he is mega excited about.
DD got a new ipad and iphone over Xmas...we have been saving for the ipad as her old one has been showing its age. The new one is noticeably lighter as well which should help her. The new phone was possible because she could upgrade her old phone on her sim contract...she is pleased with them both even if setting them both up was hard work. DS1 was happy as he got a pile of tech to take to CEX and got enough cash to pay for his next batch of tattooing.
I had planned to take him up to Middlesbrough to his tattooist but DD was just too poorly to cope on her own so DP took him...DS was not impressed especially as it gave DP permission to take too much interest in his tattoos...DP was taking photos on his phone so he could show 'people'. Creepy or what...especially as he has no connection to any of his children, he just wants to be able to talk about them as though he knows them.
As you can probably tell I am not over fond of DP and would be happy if he dropped down dead...or found the love of life and left us, I'm not fussed just as long as he left!
I have been finding the level of eating I was easily maintaining before Xmas impossible to do so have been putting on a 1lb a day according to my scales. Obviously I've not put on anything like that as I'm still not eating masses but the way my body works I am quite prepared to believe I can put on serious weight at a level that would count as an extreme diet for a normal person... I will get the eating back under control once life gets back to normal as I do like loosing weight and my smaller body. I haven't any other 'resolutions' for 2016...what I want isn't going to happen...DD plateauing if not getting better, DS2 calming down and gaining some independence, DP pissing and leaving me in peace, DM I say non of them are going to happen so I will just keep on keeping on.

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