Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Nearly Christmas

Well its nearly Christmas and I've got it pretty much sorted. All the presents are bought and wrapped. All the food is either already sorted and frozen or ordered so that's good. We are not bothering with much in the way of decorations his year as DD is just too ill and finds any changes in room décor too hard to process.
My DM is in hospital again, breathing problems again. Obviously nothing to do with her smoking, last time she decided all the problems were because of some tablets she was taking to help with the ulcers on her legs...not sure how that could affect blood oxygen levels but she would know! This time she decided her problems are because a friend gave her a cold. DF says the friend didn't have a cold but DM is not hearing that. I've been over to see her a couple of times and she is even nastier and ruder than normal, all her brakes are coming off and she is loosing any inhibitions about being nasty in public. Not a nice person to visit. Still I do get chance to speak to DF which is nice as I rarely get to speak to him when DM is around as all conversation has to be centred on her and her alone. My ideal Christmas present would be for her to die...that doesn't make me nice but she is an unpleasant person who brings no joy to anyone, including herself. Also she will continue smoking so this drama will be played out on a regular basis until she does finally snuff it, why not just cut out all the messing around and just go for broke!
Non of us are particularly looking forward to Christmas even though we have planned loads of fun food, DP will be off for 12 days and that does cast a blight over the whole period. He can suck the enjoyment out of any situation. He has only just had 12 days off and that was while DS2 was still in college and DD1 in Uni, neither of them are overjoyed at having to cope with him at home the entire period over the holidays. DP claims he is looking forward to 'relaxing' as he is tired and needs a break after working hard all year...he's only just had a long break when he did sweet FA so God only knows why he feels he is so much need of a break. He was using this as an excuse for being ridiculously grumpy to DS2...he is such an entitled twat! Even he had the grace to acknowledge that I wouldn't be getting any time off over this or indeed any other holiday....won't stop him doing nothing for the entire period and spending his days flopping and being bored. He has done absolutely nothing to prepare for Christmas, no shopping, no planning, no cooking. Everyone else has done their share...DD has helped sort the menus and cooked some of the food for Christmas, DS1 has helped shop and has worked his way through a long list of jobs I had waiting for him, even DS2 has helped. But DP has done absolutely nothing, a big fat zero and HE is the one saying how tired he is...hard not to despise someone so self absorbed! He has no idea what any of his children are getting for Christmas and will only find out what DS2 is getting as the older 2 open all their presents in their rooms to escape him commenting on what they get. A pathetic excuse for a parent!
Anyway as you can tell we are looking forward to the festive period no end...only a couple of weeks and its all over for another year! In my dreams next Christmas wouldn't include either DP or DM...who knows maybe my dreams will come true one year!

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