Monday, 10 August 2015

Happy Days

I am having a really good time at the moment....not that everything is great, DD is not good and is in huge amounts of pain. She had her PIP assessment on Thursday which lasted an hour and a half and she was sobbing with pain and exhaustion by the end then on Friday she had an appointment at the new pain unit which was tiring as she had 4 questionnaires to fill in and the place was loud and busy.

Still even with DD being ill we are still having good days. On Wednesday we all went out to Harlow Carr and the flowers were the best I have ever seen. There was a patch of wild flowers that were especially lovely...lots of poppies and corn flowers, very special.

On Saturday my new cooker was delivered and installed. Knowing that it would be a job and a half...mostly because of the vast amounts of expanding foam DP has used around the old cooker, don't ask...I arranged to be in town getting DS1 and 2 haircuts leaving DP to cope. Even before we left I could hear the men removing the old cooker complaining the cooker was hot...DP had used it minutes before it needed to be taken out because 'no one had told him'. Installing the cooker was obviously less than fun job...had DP 'known the foam would cause problems he would have dug the old plug out'...what bit he didn't 'know' only he could explain. He was more than aware the new cooker was being installed because I explained it all to him, but he only 'knows' he is perfect so any problems are someone else's fault obviously. Anyway non of that mattered as I wasn't there and the new cooker is gorgeous...all white and shiny and sooo clean.

On Saturday night I had another amazing experience. I phoned my parents, not because I really wanted to but felt I ought to...the problems of being a dutiful daughter, well a bit dutiful. The last phone call from my mum had been very brief and she'd not phoned since so I'd had a good week of peace and quiet and thought I'd had too much fun so ought to phone. Anyway I got my dad and we chatted for a few minutes about England winning the Ashes and the stuff he's doing in the garden. Nothing major just general chit chat...I asked after mum's health and did the polite stuff. He was then going to pass the phone over to mum so she could speak...this is when my day looked up...she wasn't wanting to speak to me. Presumably I done/not done something which has offended her and so she is punishing me by not speaking to me. I really wish I knew what I'd done so I could so it lots more!

As far as I'm concerned she can refuse to speak to me until she dies, if I never speak to her again I won't loose anything good from my life. Instead I'll loose all her self absorption and her endless negativity and all her snidy comments about what I should be doing.  Long may the punishment last!

Anyway as  I said happy days!

Update: unfortunately I gloated too soon and my mum phoned me a couple of days later to dribble on about who knows (or cares) what. She did ask about DD's scan...she doesn't have any scans booked but mum stalks DD's blog, twitter etc and about a month ago DD mentioned she was finally being referred to a neurologist. Mum has been told how much DD hates her reading her stuff but mum is too self absorbed and ignorant to think anyone could possible object to HER doing exactly what she wants. She really is a less than pleasant person...her loss as it means she doesn't get to see DD or DS1, though not sure how much of a loss she thinks that is. They are not the grandchildren she wants any more so I'm not sure she misses them...other than as actors in her personal drama!
I mentioned to DD about her Gma reading her twitter and she tweeted about how creepy it was to have family stalking her twitter feed! Way to go girl!! Maybe Mum will be pissed off and punish me again. Fingers crossed.

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