Well America had their election and decided to vote for Trump in sufficient numbers that he won the election...and the popular vote! There has been anecdotal evidence of voter suppression and purges of votes, which seems to be pretty standard in Republican states but unless there has been some conspiracy theory level vote tampering going on its unlikely to have affected the result. It's depressing to realise that more than half of American voters are prepared to vote in a racist, rapist, fascist, dementia, stupid person as President...but obviously they are. Glad I'm not American.
I have read a lot of dystopian fiction so I can envisage lots of depressing futures ... hopefully its not as bad a nightmare it could be.
To be honest I expected to be more upset about the election result but I'm kind of numb. DD is getting used to a new normal with their M.E. They had a month of pain flares and their base level just upgraded to accept the pain flair as 'normal'...this means that they are constantly exhausted and struggling. Life sucks.
DS1 is now driving which is brilliant but house prices are still escalating and he needs to resave his deposit, so unless my DF dies soon...and we sell his flat, not simple given there are apparently 12 currently up for sale with no interest... he's not getting a house. Life sucks. He really does not want to be stuck here all his life but he has seriously limited options.
DS2 has has a few extremely hard weeks. He was dumb at work, saying stupid shit at Top Site... he misspoke and suggested he'd been looking at baby porn...why he or anyone discusses porn at all is beyond me. Anyway he got banned from Top Site which made his job impossible... work moved him to Kirkstall to keep his job. When we finally got DS2 to write down what had been happening at Top Site it was apparent that it was highly toxic and they need serious training...the misogyny is appalling. He is enjoying his new job but very much misses his old job and the people there. He will settle down and get used to it but it will take time and he's exhibiting his usual behaviours when stressed...aggression, rudeness etc etc, its not fun!
On top of this he has been complaining about a sore ear for a few days. He was putting oil in to soften any wax and managed to push some cotton wool actually into his ear... this was discovered when he went to the doctors, (actually not true, the doctor mistook scaring for cotton wool). He also has a slight ear infection. Life sucks.
In good news the scaffolding is finally down but the roof apparently still needs a couple of tiles setting and there is a large pile of tiles needing to be cleared away. Also DS2's bike was stolen...so DS1 is finishing rebuilding the fencing and putting in a new gate... all fun and expensive! It will look good when its all done but is time consuming and annoying.
DF is living his best life and loving every minute...he's walking most days and planning holidays. He's oblivious to the wider world and if I liked or respected him I'd think it was good someone was having fun. But I just think he's selfish and self absorbed ... definitely my perception is the issue. DB is still out of touch with everyone, except DF occasionally. After chatting at Margaret's funeral I can see why he is so divorced from us all but it is very much his choice. Caroline is working at keeping in touch and we even got to meet up last time they were down to sort more of their mums stuff. DB could do that sort of thing...but even if he wanted to at this stage I'm not sure I'd be interested. I tried to keep in touch for years and then dropped the rope...he wasn't bothered so it stayed dropped.
DP is away for the week with work...I definitely need a week without him. He had a week off work...which he spent watching shit on YouTube while sat at the kitchen table. He was supposed to be working last week but got a spot in one eyebrow which grew massively...for a spot...and he couldn't see out of the eye with the swelling. He got a load of antibiotics and spent the week working from home...never my favourite. In the end he thinks it might have been a coldsore. There are no words!
Last week DD, DS2 and I went out to the Xmas Market in York...it was hideously busy, DD's wheelchair decided the battery was effectively dead which made it all fun. DD was exhausted immediately and the photos they wanted just weren't possible. Basically they are just too tired to pull together the outfits they used to do and they are just soooo exhausted any photos just don't work...even the photos look tired! This didn't please DD obviously. To add to their woes the Market was pretty shit so we won't be trying it again. I took DS1 over the weekend as he's loved the Market the last couple of years but he agreed, way too busy to be fun and just not worth it.... he did get a load of mead though so not a total waste.
Anyway after being out DD crashed catastrophically hard...they have never been as ill. Not sure when/if they'll get out again. They cancelled their December hair appointment...their October appointment was cancelled because of their pain flare... they just cut all their hair off today...to much hair and it was painful for them. Winter is not going to be fun.
Update:- Well the second Trump Presidency looks like being even more chaotic and horrible than the first. His picks for his government include someone who's been investigated for child sex trafficking... and there are others equally as bad. Trump is also suggesting he's not planning leaving when his 4 years are up...fun times.
I'm not even mentioning the absolute horrors that Israel are committing...I feel sick ... they make the Nazi's look, if not normal, not the last word in evil. I will never understand anyone supporting the Zionists.
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