Monday, 18 July 2022

Hot weather

 To add to all the joys of this summer we are currently experiencing the hottest weather Britain has experienced since records is expected to get beyond 40C in wide areas of the country .... unfortunately Leeds will be one of them. We have had a few days warning so took the time to sort a bunch of ice pops in the freezer made from fresh fruit juice and make a bunch of salads and cold meat so I don't need to cook in all the heat. 

Today is going to get to high 30'sC with tomorrow being the hottest day, fortunately it gets back to liveable temperatures by Wednesday but still no sign of rain. It's been a dry summer with no sign of any change. Global Warming is definitely messing with the weather and I'm not in favour.

Pleased the stairs are all set to be sorted, it had been nagging at me, they look so shabby and grubby. 

DS2 has been struggling with his foot and it has not been making him a pleasant person...I do feel for the poor kid, without constant activity he's lost his most reliable distraction tool and he's not bright enough to find another. It was easier in lock down because all his friends were in the same his friends are out doing stuff. Fortunately he only has another 4 weeks to go and then he can, hopefully, go back to normal life...well normal for him.

Update: well the extreme weather has been and gone, it was as horrid as we all pleased it only lasted a few days. The weather is now pretty much back to normal though still too dry. We went over the M62 on Friday for DD to get a new tattoo and the reservoir was frightenly low. DD had hoped she could get a couple more tattoos but the trip over was hard going, she's not a fan of motorways and it was very busy and lots of slow moving traffic with a ton of lorries one's idea of fun. Though it was lovely over the top...low cloud on the hills and rain!


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