Saturday, 16 April 2022

Spring is definitely here

 It's Easter weekend and, for Easter, unseasonably warm and sunny. It's a shame we can't really get out and enjoy the lovely weather. DD, DS2 and I went up to  Aysgarth Falls during the week so DD could get some photos of here in the woods with the wood was very pretty but muddier than we'd have liked. Unfortunately there is no way to see the waterfall in a wheelchair, but definitely a place worth visiting again. DD has another reel which is doing well...not as silly as the last one that ended up with 8.3 million views...but still over a million! It's very hit and miss as her normal posts are vanishing with barely anyone seeing them and some of her reels do very little. Still she seems to making an the last few weeks an company she has got quite a few skirts from has offered her a frock in exchange for her doing some photos for them to use...she is very excited as its a company she respects. She has also been invited to be on a panel for a Pride celebration...unfortunately too far away but still flattering. She has also had a few students/researchers contact her to do interviews about her style...also the Wall Street Journal interviewed her! All exciting. Unfortunately she is also experiencing gastric paralysis and struggling to eat and in lots of pain and experiencing constant nausea... she has lost a couple of stone but probably not worth it. Her weight loss seems to be stabilising which is good but she would kind of like it to stay so she could finally end up slim again but this time be aware enough to enjoy it. We'll just have to see how the next few weeks play out.

DS1 and I spent part of yesterday removing wallpaper from under the window in DD's room where it was coming away from the wall. In spite of all the work we have done to put into insulating layers on the wall its always going to suffer with damp. Anyway the fresh wallpaper looks clean and neater...we'll just have to see how long before it starts peeling off again. Unfortunately DS1 has a shocking cold just in time for the Easter seems so unfair that he finally has a few days off and he's feeling to grim to do anything. Well at least he can rest plenty while he's off I guess.

DS2 has yet another new girlfriend, everyone is trying to make him take things slowly but he's rushing ahead at full speed. I really hope it all works out for the two of would make my life easier that's for sure. Though I would then need to find another job. 

In the wider world the horrible war in Ukraine is still going on...the atrocities the Russians are enacting are sickening. They are behaving in ways that match Nazi concentration guards torturing inmates knowing they would suffer no consequences or feel the need for guilt or remorse. It's beyond horrific... truly there are no words. The Ukrainians are still fighting but even if they finally manage to dislodge the Russians it will be a pyrrhic many lives have been lost and too many lives destroyed. All this is having an effect on fuel prices...other reasons too but this really doesn't help...our fuel bill has more than doubled from very expensive to eye wateringly expensive. Food prices are also rising and there are shortages because Ukraine is called the 'breadbasket of Europe' for a reason. Life is going to be hard for a while...hopefully not permanently. 

Still it's good to see the leaves coming out and daffodils and cherry blossom...we need to remember the good stuff!


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