Monday, 25 May 2020

Still in end in sight

We are almost at the end of May and still no sign of a real end to lockdown. DS1 is still off work, he's still got a job and is being paid but heaven only knows when he'll be back....I've given up trying to guess. He struggles being stuck at home all the time and not able to meet any of his friends or go out to the know all the normal stuff people do. He seems okay at the moment but has had some bad days.

DS2 is getting very anxious and veres between wanting to meet his friends in the park and refusing to go back to work when it reopens because he's so scared. Poor kid, he struggles to understand and the uncertainty is hard for him....and the rest of us to he fair.

DD is still suffering from the aftermath of what we assume was Covid-19. She is pretty much trapped in her room and goes out to take photos occasionally and then retreats to her bed. She isn't well at all and she is finding all of this emotionally really hard. Life is hard for her at the best of times and having a full house all the time isn't good.

DM is still in hospital, DF has been trying to get her home again .... she is NOT happy about being trapped in hospital and who can blame her. The main problem is that it now seems DM is totally incontinent and DF is very clear that he can't cope with that, and who can blame him. Having all this happen while lockdown is still ongoing makes it all harder of course as no one can actually speak to staff in the hospital so getting information is not easy.

DF is now looking at getting DM moved to either the local hospital as a stop gap or moving her straight into a local nursing home. Don't envy him that conversation!!! It's a Bank Holiday today which further complicates everything but hopefully DF can get things sorted so DM can get out of hospital and somewhere more appropriate. Given how quickly she seems to have deteriorated she may well not last too much longer. Having said that I've been expecting her imminent death for years.

Just spoke to DF and it looks as though she may get moved to a small hospital very close to their house, so DF can cheap out on not paying for a nursing home. DF is obviously not keen on paying out for DM! Well if she gets home eventually she will be miserable in familiar surroundings and DF can ignore her as much as he usually does. Good luck to DF handling it all! Fingers crossed she dies soon, for all our sakes....even hers.

I haven't spoken to DF as much in years!! Not a habit I intend keeping thats for sure. I have spoken to DM most days she's been in hospital and she is getting more confused and her filters are even less evident than normal, non of it's new behaviour but it's becoming more visible. She is in really poor health but could easily linger for another 20 years.

DP has been less hard work than I pictured but lockdown would still be soooo much easier if he wan't here. He gets vile and grumpy if anyone speaks when he was planning on pontificating...even if the other person/people were already speaking and he was going to butt in. He is going to carry on WFH until September at least, oh what fun.In an ideal world he could also get this virus and end up in hospital giving us all some peace and quiet, or just piss off into the sunset ....alone or with another woman I really don't care. Not that it's going to happen.

Still as lockdown carries on ....for ever.... it could be worse, not that I won't be overjoyed for it to all end and to get the house back to just DD and I!

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