Thursday, 20 June 2019

The calm before the storm...hopefully not!

There are a lot of things about to an impressively black sky that is promising a downpour in minutes with the half heard hint of thunder. All too often the cloud drifts off and the sun....and all the screaming kids on the street are out in minutes.

Well the stuff hanging waiting to happen are kind of like that...the major difference being I like thunderstorms but the future may not be a much fun. DD has an operation next week to remove two of her wisdom teeth that have been causing increasing amounts of pain for years. It probably won't take away all her tooth pain, with not being able to clean her teeth regularly with her ME she has a lot of other teeth causing problems, but a major source of pain should be removed. Unfortunately she will be having general anaesthetic and that can have unpredictable results in ME patients added to which she is already struggling with a flare and a significant reduction in her energy levels. The future does not look bright for her...we will just have to wait and see.

DS1 has finished the first year of his Joinery course but isn't sure what is happening next year....typical for him to be honest.  I love him dearly, he is my son that's a given, but he is totally idle and does do the jellyfish thing where he goes all limp and passive and expects other people to organise his life for him....and then gets grumpy because he's expected to actually do stuff. I wouldn't mind as much if actually was useless but he can actually frame and work if he needs to. Hopefully he'll get himself a job this summer, he packed in JSA because the inefficiency of the whole process offended him deeply.

DS2 is stressing about doing his Foundation 1 Maths exam...for the third time. He will almost certainly fail as he has a total mental block with maths in a stress situation...and exams are very stressful situations for him. Still he is increasing his days at Revive and has a job there as soon as a job that fits him comes up. It will cause massive problems with his funding from Social Services but that's not my problem to solve...apart from the fact I'll undoubtedly be out of pocket. I always said he was an expensive hobby, but totally worth it. Even when he's being a arse and swearing a DD constantly.

I am actively avoiding British news at the moment...I'm not alone in that, I saw a statistic that said about half the population was avoiding the news and about 3/4 gave Brexit as the reason. It's totally my reason I just find all the hate and misinformation peddled as 'news' quite offensive. I won't go as far as to call it 'fake news' but its very slanted and not in my direction!

I am following American new instead and that's hard enough, the world is not a good or safe place. I worry about DS1, his life will be less easy than mine and a hell of a lot harder than my parents who had so may opportunities that just don't exist any more.

I can see mass migration, for jobs, resources including water, being an increasing problem and I don't see any answers. Certainly non of the politicians seem to have any matter which country they come from. There have been many periods of history that were hard, the 1930's seem to have pretty crap in most of the world and the 1940's even harder for some...but the current situation does seem to be building up to be 'perfect storm'. It may well be that if I had the benefit of hindsight the current situation would seem less dire, who knows. Certainly my own world is not looking great for the next few years.

I am currently working on getting my body funeral ready, I intend to look amazing when my DM finally snuffs it. I reckon I have a few years to work on it but I want to look my very best, I despise her so much, she still thinks she should be the major victim in my life and I should focus on her. Well it's not happening so she can sit and feel sorry for her self I really don't care . My DD doesn't sit and wallow in self pity and she is coping with a lot of pain and constantly diminishing levels of energy. She has my total respect, my DM doesn't.

Update: well DD had her operation and recovered really well as far as the actual operation. But it has left her even more easily tired than she was before, not a good place to be as the summer holidays approaches! DP was a total arse and couldn't even be bothered to speak to her the morning we were taking her to the hospital...she had to be there by 7am so we were leaving the house for not much after 6am. I know he doesn't care about anyone other than himself and his fragile little ego but it was ignorant and incredibly unkind.

A few days ago he was sounding another room to DS2 but I was very much supposed to hear...about how he (DP) is 'isolated' from things that are happening in the family. Well you reap what you sow and he opted out of the family many years ago when it became apparent that he wasn't worshipped... as he felt he should be! He is the total looser, DD, DS1 and DS2 are all awesome people and I am immensely proud to be their mum every day!

Another thing worth parents have been noticeable by their idea what I'm supposed to be have done to offend them but the peace and quiet have been lovely. Who knows maybe they are as bored as I am by the meaningless and indeed content-less 'conversation's.

Update 2: DS1 has finally got a job!! It's just a warehouse job but who cares he will actually be working and filling up his CV. I am sooo happy!

It's been incredibly hot this week...I have never experienced hotter weather in Leeds and its not making any of us happy. Ruth is particular is miserable with the heat. Hopefully it won't last too much longer.

Update 3: well I celebrated too soon, in spite of 2 sessions of filling in paperwork and three days doing courses for warehouse work DS1 is no nearer a job than he was before. It's getting depressing to say the least. Fingers crossed something turns up!

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