Saturday, 29 December 2018

Nearly 2019

Well we survived another Xmas. We ate our 'Christmas dinner' on the 22nd December as that was the day I collected the food we'd ordered. We'd ordered full turkeys not crowns which was fine as DS1 managed to follow an online tutorial DD found and create our own crowns. It meant there was plenty of dark meat which we cooked without any salt so the cats could eat some. Grundo LOVED turkey and is less than happy its all gone.

We didn't bother with any decorations at all this year, though DS2 did make some paper chains for his room. DP and I went over to Malton the week before Xmas as he was off work...December was a crap month with all the time he had off! DM was being very feeble and pathetic, she has stage 2 breast cancer from the limited information I got...this means her survival rate is 98% after 5 years. That's obviously not dramatic enough for DM hence all the feeble over acting!  DF was also not over happy...he's had carpel tunnel in his right hand, which is painful I had it after DD was born and its still attacks a bit. Anyway DF had a operation to fix it, the joys of being able to afford private medicine, it left him feeling a bit annoyed as his hand wasn't instantly back to normal. He also complained at how little free time he's got with having to look after DM...I didn't laugh but, honestly, what does he think I do all day. I am a full time carer for two of my offspring, DD and DS2, I may not be busy 24/7 but I am on-call all the time, everyday with no time off for the last 14 years. I think it's part of why I liked the gym so much, a whole hour where I could listen to music and NOT be interrupted by anyone.

DM obviously felt her Xmas cancer meant I had to be available to entertain her at any moment and took to phoning me...4 time one day. I have weaned her off that and its now only a couple of times a week and am hoping it fades off soon. Who knows 2019 might finally see the end of her! I can live in hope.

Today...finally...DP has gone to see his stepmum...he took DS1 and DS2, after all he can't even go to the gym on his own. I think this is the first time he's been down to see her since his DF died and that was about 6 years ago! He is so rude and ignorant. DD and I have enjoyed a really lovely peaceful day. We have watched some TV in peace and quiet and had a takeaway that was ok if not memorable. Now we are just waiting for them to come back which is likely to be very soon.

Ruth is still a nervous cat and not keen on exploring beyond DD's room. She is getting better, but very slowly, at least she looks better and isn't so sticky and unloved looking. She had to have her last tooth taken out when we got her and lots of repair work done on the dental work that had been done/ the shelter she was in. She is less pain now and no infection, the vets were plainly crap.

We got the roof sorted and all the plumbing work which we hadn't budgeted for but which needed to be done once the roofer could actually see what a mess our builder had made of the work. Nice to have it finally done right. We also had to replace DD's laptop, she'd had her previous laptop for 2 years and it had needed repairing about 3 times during that period. When the same error came back again it seemed a good time to upgrade. Her new laptop seems to be a total winner so far, now we just need to save up to pay for well as paying back DS1 the money we borrowed from him to pay the roofers.

We only have 2 more days before DP goes back to work and oh God will be happy to see the back of him. He really struggles to find anything to do at home other than the stuff he does on a weekend and that's not enough to fill the best part of 2 weeks! He is also an utter arse to DS2 and is incredibly nasty and rude to him. OK I get it DS2 can, and indeed all too frequently is, really annoying and silly but he does not deserve the treatment he gets from DP. Unfortunately DP still sees DS2 as a toy he can play with when he's not at work to stop him getting bored, with the added bonus of martyrdom, cue lots of heaving and sighing...he is an utter twat. If I had the money he would be kicked out so fast his head would spin!

The news is all so depressing I have been avoiding it as much as possible. I have taken to reading American news instead as it may, and indeed is, depressing as hell but it's at a suitable remove so not as hard to cope with. Next year look as though it may be interesting, and not in a good way, for Trump which makes reading the news worthwhile. Hopefully Brexit will eventually happen and UK news can stop being so terminally horrible and boring.

For myself I want the same for 2019 that I always want, DS1 to get a job or some kind of actual life. DS2 to find something to do once he leaves College to keep himself occupied...which he may well have at Revive, fingers crossed. DD to be in less pain and to have enough energy to have some kind of life. DP to f**k off would be nice, or me to have to money to tell him to f**k off. My DM to finally put us all out of her misery by finally dying! She has been in ill health for so many years its getting silly. We will see, to be honest the only one I see happening is DS2 and if he gets a part time job I can forsee all kinds of problems as he suddenly thinks it means he is a 'proper grown up' and can do exactly what he wants and all of that malarky. Only time will tell.

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