Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Christmas is approaching

Its nearly the end of November and it will soon be 2018. Its not been a bad year ...I've got most of the house redecorated. I'm particularly pleased the floors are all sealed and tiled after Renata found a mouse to play with! I'm hoping that's not an experience we need to repeat. I also replaced my car which is good as the old car was definitely getting elderly. The computer also got updated. Basically all the electrical equipment in the house got replaced over the year!

DS1 finished his degree...he's not found a job yet and to be honest hasn't looked particularly hard yet but hopefully he'll get something in the new year, I'm not keen for him to be hanging around long term. DS2 is in his last year at College but has next year already planned which makes him happier. Its going to be difficult in the long term because he won't be able to continue doing courses for ever but he's unlikely to ever get a job. I'll cross that bridge when I need to.

DD is continuing to deteriorate, she may well have to give up blogging which is not good as she has enjoyed having a reason to spend silly money on clothes she rarely wears and go out at stupid hours of the day to take photos. Her blog is getting noticed and she is starting to become properly successful, which makes it even harder to stop. But she just doesn't have the energy to do the work it needs. Also she is getting increasingly nasty about the quality of the photos, however hard I try my skills as a photographer will never be great and DD can't cope with anything less than her 'vision' of how the photos should have looked. It doesn't help that she is putting weight back on again and she hates how she looks. So all fun there.

My Mum is still alive unfortunately but I rarely need to see her...DD is just to poorly to leave and they aren't encouraged to come here. Mostly because they are loud but also because Mum is just so snide and nasty. They are talking about moving to a more manageable house, Dad was having problems walking for a week or so and that really highlighted how unsuitable their house is long term. But I can't actually see them doing anything, Mum is too lazy and once Dad gets back walking he'll forget how hard it was when he couldn't walk and just carry on as before. I might be wrong, next year will prove me wrong or right.

I haven't been in touch with my brother all year, I got so sick of being the one who maintained contact so decided to drop the rope. He obviously wasn't bothered for contact which is fine by me. Its not exactly a great loss in my life! I also have almost no contact with J. which is also fine by me, it now means I have no friends or family to chat to but they weren't bothered about me so I'm not loosing anything. J. talks about herself exclusively when we meet up, which is fine and I'm prepared to listen but she offers me no support or conversation so I'm not rushing to invite her over.

This Christmas will be quiet, as all our Christmases are. We will all sit in different rooms trying to avoid DP, who will be a total arse and bore us all. Luckily he should be away in the week before Xmas so it will give us a chance to do an 'unChristmas Eve' tea without him. I may even give DD and DS1 their stockings then. I had planned to stop doing stockings this year, but was firmly told by DS2 that he needed one. DD and DS1 had been unenthusiastic about stockings stopping as they all feel they are the best bit of Christmas, so they will still carry on for this year at least.

I won't be sad to see this year end, and hope next year brings some good stuff amongst all the bad stuff DD will have to endure. Maybe my Mum will die, that would cheer me up!