Sunday, 2 July 2017

Summer is here

After a week of VERY hot hot I caved in a bought myself some shorts...we had a couple of weeks of cold, wet weather. So cold I actually put the heater on in the kitchen. Its now back to warm and sunny which is fine as long as it stays warm rather than hot!

DD has been really struggling this year....lots of pain and endless cramp which has been making sleep difficult. She is slowly coming round a bit but is finding it hard as her cat is being very clingy, especially in the night. Renata had a biopsy to check if there was any particular reason for her constantly scratching the same bits of her neck till they bled...we all though cancer but no one wanted to say it. Luckily the biopsy found nothing so we just need to let the scar heal...easier said than done if you are a cat. We ended up getting her little catsuits which she hates but do stop her opening her stitches when she scratches. She is, slowly, getting used to the suit and should only need it for another week or so.

DD2 has had a rough couple of weeks. He's been really stressed in College because of exams which make him feel stupid, he's also been struggling with the behaviour of some of the other students. One of the other students is, according to DS2, trying to get people to start smoking. Added to this DS2 has started dealing with his first family in his therapy sessions and finds that very hard. All this has impacted on his behaviour a lot and he's been hard to live with. He does seem to be calmer today, so hopefully his stress is easing off. He was so stressed he was actually ill on Thursday night, massive temperature and he was shivering and his hands and feet were freezing. He was still less than well on Friday and didn't eat much as he felt sick...for a child who is NEVER ill it was a sign of just how stressed he's been.

DS1 is on his way back to Leeds as I type...DP went down to London to collect him. DS1 had hoped to get a job sorted before he needed to come back to Leeds but he's not exactly pro active and it was never going to happen. Instead he is coming back help me decorate virtually the whole house...DDs room needs repainting and a TV fixing to the wall and some other bits and pieces sorting. As she spends increasing amounts of time in her room its helpful to have suitable tech to keep her occupied as boredom is a massive problem when she's too tired to come downstairs but not tired enough to doze.

The living room is getting a new floor and the wood work repainting as the white gloss had gone yellow awfully fast and looks dirty. DS1 is also building a new filing cabinet, a cat staircase and some storage for DS2's craft not much. We then move onto my bedroom which needs repainting and a new floor and other than that it just need a massive tidy, which it will get.  Once all that's done we just need to repaint the hall and stairs and do a couple of bits in the new chairs...and we are sorted.

We had saved the money to do all the work but DD has just had to replace her camera which used up all our savings...that's what credit cards are for I guess but I am trying to pay them off rather than to max them out again!

The other job we need to get sorted is replace my car...its MOT is the end of August and I get the real feeling that its going to be an expensive job to get it through so it seems wisest to replace it sooner rather than later .So that's pencilled in for the beginning of August.

DP has been away for a week in America with work, came back and left almost immediately for a week in France seeing his mum and sister. He's got this week in Leeds then he's off to Australia for a week with work. Hard work for him, especially seeing his mum and sister, but makes for a much easier summer for the rest of us.

Hopefully DS1 will get his driving license sorted this summer as well and get himself a job. In travelling distance of Leeds so he can live here for a while and build up his savings would be good but any job is good realistically.

Fingers crossed DS2 will have a sensible summer and get a handle on his behaviour, which will please him as much as anyone else. I'm hoping DD gets done the trips out she is planning...sunrise in Whitby will be amazing if exhausting. All in all a very busy summer but one I'm looking forward to. All made easier as haven't seen J for nearly a month, though she did text to gloat her son got  First...crap degree at a crap Uni so I wasn't as impressed as I could have been but said all the right things. I also haven't really seen my parents for ages...they did insist on coming when I was painting the panelling in the hall, even though I said 'no' as it wasn't convenient. I set dressed the hall to look even busier than I was...I was doing a final coat and touch up...and talked to them briefly outside the front door! I was proud of myself for sticking to my guns and I really did not want them traipsing through the house as I could absolutely guarantee one of them would have smudged the paint at least once. Mum phoned yesterday but talked to DP as I heard it was her and went straight upstairs to sit with DD she sent me a passive aggressive email, which I deleted. I will be baseline polite but that's it. I really don't have the energy to focus on her which is what she wants.

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