Sunday, 25 September 2016

A roller coaster end to the summer

Well DS1 has had a dramatic end to his holidays. The house he'd organised to share with friends fell through when the landlord pulled out. There was then a lot of messing around as they tried to find somewhere else but no one seemed to want the three of them. In a last ditch attempt to sort out somewhere for the three of them, with the other two guys agreement, DS1 phoned an agency, organised a viewing, travelled 6 hours to London to view the flat and get a tenancy agreed only for one of the guys to pull out at the last possible minute! DS1 was less than chuffed as you can imagine. Luckily he still has a place to live in London as the halls he's lived in for the last 2 years still had a vacancy but its not what he wanted. He was really looking forward to sharing with friends so he doesn't spend all his evenings in his room on his own. He was also very excited about the prospect of a proper kitchen he could actually cook in, the kitchens in the halls are shared and invariably filled with dirty plates as non of the other students seem to know how to wash up.

DS1 will be going down to London next Saturday, the absolute last day he can leave it as term starts on the Monday afterwards. Not a good end to his holidays. The friend who pulled out and messed up everything for the other two is not popular and is going to struggle to move on from this, especially as he really needs to be in London to do the kind of job in films he wants to do. Can't see DS1 and his other friend agreeing to share with him in the future so not quite sure how he expects to get down to London...luckily that's not my problem!

DS2 is finally back in college and much happier. The holidays were at least 2 weeks longer than he could cope with and his behaviour showed his anxiety and frustration. Not a pleasant time. He is still being a bit of a pratt...'I am a grown up and can do what I want' coupled with extremely silly and rude behaviour. He's just a joy to be around...not.

DD is really struggling. After all the excursions she did earlier in the summer she ended up having a couple of months of extreme pain and exhaustion. Lots of bone and nerve pain and a week or more of being bed bound. She's only left the house once in the whole of September! Not good for her and not her usual pattern for the M.E. which has previously been that she has better health in summer and more energy. She is still deteriorating steadily so I guess its only to be expected.

I have started going to the gym 3 times a week. I started at the beginning of the holidays basically so  I could get DS2 out of the house for an hour or so to give DD a rest and also to push DS1 to go to the gym as his asthma was really playing up and I though exercise would help. I have to say I was not keen on the prospect of exercising but I really enjoy it now and actually look forward to going. Any time I think I might stop going I only need to think of my Mum and with her shining example in front of me I know exercise is a good thing...after who would want to end us as horrifically unfit and ill as she is by being utterly lazy and eating crap...okay she also smokes which is not something I've ever done but the total lack of any form of exercise is a big factor in her ill health.

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