Tuesday, 6 October 2015

My son is awesome

All my children are utterly brilliant and perfect in their own ways obviously but DS1 is soo handy doing loads of odd jobs for me. He spent the whole summer holidays sorting stuff, some big like sanding down the kitchen table so I could revarnish it...and then resanding it as DP and DS2 wrecked the initial varnish in less than a day, to little stuff like moving furniture for me.

He is so solid and just does stuff...okay sometimes he has a melt down if he thinks I've been pushing him too hard and not giving him enough time on his own. But mostly he is placid and calm which is just brilliant in a house where DP is a low level narc who is constantly attention seeking like a pathetic toddler, DS2 who nutty, hyper and has the attention span of a mayfly on speed and DD who is struggling to cope with how her illness is messing with her emotions. I really miss DS1 when he goes back to Uni...not just because he is so useful but mostly because he is so calm and quietly supportive just by being around.

I have been writing this post for weeks but have been struggling to get any time as DD has been seriously unwell and needing high levels of support...physical and emotional. Also DS2 seems to pop up and start being nosy anytime I get anywhere near the computer.

DS1 has been back in London for 2 weeks now, his Uni only started today but he needed to get away fro his sanity, he was finding DP and DS2 increasingly hard work and just needed some space to himself. Its a real shame he left when he did as I really needed him to do a major job just after he'd gone. I got DP to take an old...and disconnected...gas fire to the skip but moron that he is he also took the metal plate that blocks the chimney as well! I did text him to say do NOT throw it but of course he didn't read the text and then flopped instead of going straight back to the skip to retrieve the metal plate. Its hard to credit just how utterly stupid the man is...weirdly he still thinks he is the cleverest person he has ever met...god he is sooo deluded. Anyway I now need DS1 to make me a new whatever to block off the chimney so the kitchen doesn't get covered in rain and soot!

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