Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Less 'rights' and more 'responsibilities'!

Too much of society seems to be stuck on what 'rights' they have without ever considering the concept of 'responsibilities'.

Personally I reckon the problem stems from the massive overblown monster the 'welfare state' has become. Far too many people...like virtually everyone I know, seems to think 'the state' is responsible for ensuring they are housed, fed, educated, employed, everything. As though the state were some super over whelming 'mummy'...as omnipotent and omnipowerful as God is supposed to be. This 'super mummy' even has her own religion...the NHS! No one is supposed to criticise the NHS under threat of excommunication!

No one seems to feel they ever need to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives...any mistakes are someone else's fault...school, Police, 'The Government', 'The Council'...whatever just as long as they don't ever have to accept that as grown-ups they should maybe take control over their own lives.

This might all seem a bit nebulous but its a real problem. Until people actually grow up and look at issues as grown ups 'bread and circuses' gets voted for with distressing regularity. People all seem only too happy to vote for short term gains rather than look at the long term costs. Okay THEY won't have to pay for the 'bread and circuses', their children or even grandchildren will get the bill...so that's okay keep on voting for what ever you want NOW.

You only need to look at issues such a pension age. When pensions were first introduced people tended to live a couple of years, if that, beyond, pension age. So that was affordable. But when people can now be pensioners for longer than they work its totally unaffordable...especially for all those public sector workers who have amazing final salary pensions. The obvious solution is to have raised pension ages as people's live experience extended....but that is a politically unpopular idea so no one Party has been prepared to take any decision. The current Government has had to bite the bullet and man up and pension ages have now been increased...about time. But the whinging!

Another issue in the news currently is Muslim girls who have gone to Syria as 'Jihadi Brides'. The girls parents have blamed everyone except themselves. They are the girl parents but think other people...the Police... should have stopped the girls rather than the parents!

My gripe is that people need to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives and stop blaming everyone else!

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