Sunday, 22 March 2015

Things I'd love to say in real life

Mumsnet has a brilliant post on at the moment for things you'd like to say in real life but never will. I have a whole list of things I'd like to say so rather than filling up the whole thread I thought I'd take advantage of the fact I have a whole blog to say what I like and fill up a new, shiny blog post with 'things I'd like to say in real life but probably won't'


This one has to come first as there are so many things I'd love to say. Where to begin. Well for today it would have to be stop the bloody heaving and sighing...acting all martyred is pathetic and gets you no sympathy or attention so not quite sure why you do it. Other than to feed your vision of yourself as an overworked and underappreciated hero obviously!
I would also love to tell you to stop with the endless list of stock responses to trigger words...I do not find it amusing that you respond to every mention of the word 'wheel' with a rendition of the wheels on the bus!..FFS your youngest child is 20! Grow up!! The endless wandering into song, recitation or whatever is pathetic and dull and just makes me want to scream...I know you think its clever, witty and amusing but believe me its not.
However the main thing I'd love to say...and which I have actually said more than STOP speaking to our youngest as though you hate him. Constantly telling him to shut up and being so aggressive and belittling is emotional abuse and if I felt he was actually noticing I would have to throw you out. I'm not the only one who has noticed, a friend comments on it too and it offends her as much as it offends me.
Obviously the main thing I'd like to say is fuck off to the far side of fuck off and then fuck off some more! Everything else is window dressing.


FGS do some you expect to pass an exam by stropping and tantruming I don't know! I know you have little realistic chance of passing because lets be honest you are not over burdened with brains. Maybe without your appalling start to life you would be more able to use your brain and actually concentrate, but non of that is an excuse for your refusal to do any work, revision, homework anything. I am afraid I have stopped trying to force you because I have as much hope of getting you to focus as I have of nailing jelly to a wall.
Another thing, where did this revolting entitled attitude come from? Its not pretty and will get you nothing from me...I am happy to let you have treats because  I love you dearly and think you are gorgeous but you are becoming spoilt and unpleasant.


A little enthusiasm would be nice...I am offering to drive to and from London in a day to collect you from Uni...after already booking and paying for train  tickets! I would kind of like some thanks, especially as your sister is having to do the day with me. Weirdly she is too ill to leave so is having to come will be tiring for her but hopefully less stressful than a day on her own. Some gratitude when we send parcels wouldn't go amiss either. I know they are sent for our enjoyment but you can still say 'thanks' It costs nothing and would make my day!


You rock. I know I tell you how proud I am but I'm telling you again, you are amazing...expensive to run, but so brilliant at coping with an appalling chronic illness that is deteriorating so fast. I get so much fun from having you around...just think without you I would never have got to see RuPaul's Drag race and how traumatic would that have been! A world in which I never got to see Latrice!


Honestly Mum you are so wrapped up in your own world you are really boring. I can tell you nothing because you really have no interest in my life or my children. We are not the showcase family you would prefer but that 'family' was unrealistic, I mean where was I supposed to be a petite blonde from!
I have no sympathy for your health problems, they are down to your 60 years of smoking and total lack of exercise.  It always seems rather creepy in a weird way to have to be so sympathetic for your health problems when you are so dismissive of my DDs problems. Only someone as narcissistic as you would dismiss her illness with the words 'no physical cause'. That was the moment you lost me. I will continue to mimic some politeness but not much and you might never see my DD again and my DS1 is not bothered to see you either. You are not someone they like...totally your choice Mum.


I probably still like you but its so many years since I got to talk to you, who knows. Mum doesn't like anyone to speak to anyone but her so we never get chance to chat. Your choice as you facilitate her behaviour. Shame about your lack of relationship with your GCs but not a problem I will loose any sleep over.


After you told me you didn't want to hear about my daughter...your niece...because it 'was too depressing' you lost any respect and pretty much any affection I ever had for you. I have tried really hard over the years to retain a relationship with you, not easy with the large age gap and our totally different life styles but I no longer bother. You don't seem to miss the contact which is fine by me, I have enough to cope with without worrying about your pathetic sensibilities.


Fuck you, you bastard. Why did you have to climb, or rather fall! When I next see you I will give you the bollocking of your life. I will never forgive you for leaving me. I struggle to remember the real you...its been 25 years after all, but I need you. I struggle without any real support...non from Mum or Dad and non from DP, and I would bloody well expect some from you. Even if was only someone on the end of a phone, or email, who I could rant to.

I can totally understand why the thread is so popular, its really good to be able to say all the things you'd like to but never can.


I love you more than I can say. I miss you but know that you would love me and be proud of me and would love my DCs and be proud of them. I was so lucky having you both and am grateful for all the love you gave me.


Grow up and stop giving all your money to a drug addict. I know you are having a belated teenage rebellion but honestly you are taking the infatuation to extremes. You are totally being used and once he gets a better source of money, transport, attention, you will be dumped and no I don't believe all the bullshit about his dad sorting the money. Its all manipulation designed to part you from as much money as possible. Also I kind of despise you for letting down DS2 when you had made plans with him to come and clean with you but you then got a better offer to go and hand over money to the drug addict so dumped DS2. Sorry but that wasn't good. You are better than that.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

where I live is becoming a slum

The area I live in was never great but when I first moved in it was fine. An area of cheap housing, speculative build in the 1930's, lots of terraced housing. A working class area with a history of migrants, Jewish families originally but then Sikhs and Pakistanis and a fair number of Irish. It was pleasant enough and friendly.

It has been deteriorating for years and I would love to have moved but we have never had any money so it was never an option, but the last couple of years have seen the area become a slum. The numbers of eastern Europeans is ridiculous! They seem to have families in double figures and the children all seem to live on the streets, even using them as toilet areas! The men congregate outside the bookies and pawnbrokers on the lane and the women shuffle around with children and mobile phones.

The back lane is getting to look more and more like the photos of slums in the early years of last century with young girls carrying even younger siblings around and toddlers out on the streets till late every night. The clothes have changed but the children haven't.

My youngest...who did live in a real slum before he came to live with us...complains all the time about the rubbish and how much he wants to move out the area! I am totally with him but its not going to happen, we still have no money and even if we did we are now too old for a new mortgage.

As a grandchild of economic migrants I have no real issue with people moving for jobs but the people coming seem to have no jobs, certainly they seem to be hanging around all day so I'm not sure when they are working, if they are! They seem to be living of benefits and that is wrong, for so many reasons and helps no one. The children don't seem to be in school all the time...not all cultures value education and the current migrants into the area seem to be ambivalent about education at best.

Not sure what the future holds but its not good, certainly not for my daughter as she gets increasingly ill. All the noise of children on the streets till late is not pleasant for any of us but actively dangerous for her and it does seem as though the scummier the children the louder they are!

And no, I don't think UKIP are a good idea...I just don't like migrants that have no respect for the area they live in, and those who don't work show little respect for themselves.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Less 'rights' and more 'responsibilities'!

Too much of society seems to be stuck on what 'rights' they have without ever considering the concept of 'responsibilities'.

Personally I reckon the problem stems from the massive overblown monster the 'welfare state' has become. Far too many virtually everyone I know, seems to think 'the state' is responsible for ensuring they are housed, fed, educated, employed, everything. As though the state were some super over whelming 'mummy' omnipotent and omnipowerful as God is supposed to be. This 'super mummy' even has her own religion...the NHS! No one is supposed to criticise the NHS under threat of excommunication!

No one seems to feel they ever need to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives...any mistakes are someone else's, Police, 'The Government', 'The Council'...whatever just as long as they don't ever have to accept that as grown-ups they should maybe take control over their own lives.

This might all seem a bit nebulous but its a real problem. Until people actually grow up and look at issues as grown ups 'bread and circuses' gets voted for with distressing regularity. People all seem only too happy to vote for short term gains rather than look at the long term costs. Okay THEY won't have to pay for the 'bread and circuses', their children or even grandchildren will get the that's okay keep on voting for what ever you want NOW.

You only need to look at issues such a pension age. When pensions were first introduced people tended to live a couple of years, if that, beyond, pension age. So that was affordable. But when people can now be pensioners for longer than they work its totally unaffordable...especially for all those public sector workers who have amazing final salary pensions. The obvious solution is to have raised pension ages as people's live experience extended....but that is a politically unpopular idea so no one Party has been prepared to take any decision. The current Government has had to bite the bullet and man up and pension ages have now been increased...about time. But the whinging!

Another issue in the news currently is Muslim girls who have gone to Syria as 'Jihadi Brides'. The girls parents have blamed everyone except themselves. They are the girl parents but think other people...the Police... should have stopped the girls rather than the parents!

My gripe is that people need to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives and stop blaming everyone else!