Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Update on the stupidity of the NHS

Having, finally, been to get my Mirena removed all I can say is how does the NHS survive! Six months of appointments and scans, all costing the NHS money, and my Mirena was removed in seconds. All it took was the correct equipment! The tweezers...okay not the technical term...used was narrower than the normal ones used by everyone else and hey presto the Mirena was removed and no hysteroscopy needed. The poor Doctor who saw me was as annoyed as I was by the stupidity of the NHS...why use equipment that doesn't work! Why waste everyone's time over a pair of tweezers that probably cost less than £20, even at the inflated prices the NHS ends up paying.

I could rant on like for some considerable time but it gets repetitive, after all how many times can I say the NHS is a bureaucratic nightmare and really needs massive re organisation and some common sense! It clearly does not need more money as the amount of waste would pay for anything they currently claim is needed.

All big organisations get stuck in their ways and need to re-evaluate their organisational structures every few years to check for problems...I am currently having problems with Royal Mail over a customs payment I have made but which is not registered by them, they are not being helpful!

Anyway I will go for now and come back and rant some more later!

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