I haven't written anything for ages...its hard to know what to say. Trump is now President again and its even worse than the most apocalyptic imaginings of what he's be like...most of us just assumed it would be Trump 2.0 but possibly less amateur hour. Well this time round he has best new buddy Musk who is getting a bunch of incels to go into Government Departments and go into the computer systems and cut off the money. Really pleased I'm not in USA...it must be incredibly scary for so many people. The news is being flooded with all kinds of random shit...Trump is going to buy Gaza and expel the remaining Palestinians and build a sea front resort there...he's going to invade Canada...he's going to buy Greenland ...and on and on. There are also moves to strip voting rights from anyone whose I.D. name doesn't match their birth certificate...i.e. married women. There has been a lot of chatter in the 'Christian' right for many years about women not having the vote and men having a 'family' vote, they also want to take away no fault divorce and basically remove the ability of women to escape marriages that aren't working. The next few years will not be easy.
While the news is almost uniformly depressing...Palestine, Sudan, Congo...the list goes on...climate change...we have been doing okay. We did finally get the roof actually sorted. The original roofer was a total shit and had done piss all work which meant the original leak was still there. I found another roofer who came out on Xmas Eve to look at the roof and give us a quote...he also gave me all the gossip about the original roofer and looks like when we'd used him before and he'd been ok it had been his Dad in charge. Explains a lot. Anyway they did the work, even though it was super cold and icy when they came...on the day I'd been given! I do now trust the roof is secure. Anyway Dad was very generous and gave a very generous donation towards the roof...not needed DP cashed in a pension to pay for the work...but it did mean we had enough to get a quote for the bathroom. We have been saving to redo the bathroom for a while...the grout is cracking and water will be getting behind the tiles. The sink is chipped and DD would really like a bidet toilet...on bad pain days (virtually every day at this point) bending round after using the loo can be hard.
Anyway we are getting the new bathroom next month...the couple of weeks while the work is being done will not be fun but it should be totally worth it. We are using the same people who did the kitchen so we know the work will be excellent. Really looking forward to it all being finished.
DD is continuing to flair pretty much all the time...they tend to be in bed ready for sleep before 6pm every day and napping on and off all day. DS1 has had an operation for carpel tunnel on his left hand which meant he was off work for a month,,, he got very bored as he couldn't do much when his hand was still bandaged and the weather was too cold and wet to do much even when his hand was more useable. He is really started looking at what mortgage he might be able to get and what he might be able to afford. Hopefully he can get himself moved out in a year or so.
DS2 keeps having fits of insisting he's going to learn to drive...never going to happen... it doesn't help that DP encourages him in this delusion. But then DP has always has a weird view of who DS2 is...I think he views DS2 as his 'mini me'...okay I can see the similarities, both have limited emotional intelligence, both heavily self absorbed and narcissistic and both see the world very much as they would choose it to be... and neither as bright as they pretend! But even so DP is able to function independently and DS2 very much can't which is the fundamental difference.
DP is currently on his way back from Hong Kong...we all enjoyed him being away for a week! Its so much easier in the house when he's away...tidier for sure and just less stress and ...I'm wanting to type aggression which suggests he's physically violent which he's not but he's in a permanent bad mood and does like to use his temper as a weapon, doesn't work so well now we all ignore him and I have absolutely no emotional connection at all. Anyway he'll be back again tomorrow but we have March to look forward to when he should be away for 3 out of 4 weeks!
I've barely spoken to DF recently...when I've tried phoning him he's been busy and VERY keen to rush me off the phone...I'm just waiting for him to phone me. He's obviously living his best life which is all that matters.
Hopefully the year has less dramatic news than we've seen so far...I'm more than happy for boredom! For ourselves I'm just wanting DD to be in less pain...it would be good if DS1 manages to get himself onto the housing ladder and move out. DS2 just needs to calm down and be less of an arse.
Update: well DP was as boring and hard work as I expected when he got back...obviously exhausted, he'd had a really hard journey back with planes being delayed and it took significantly longer than expected. But even with that he's been a bit of an arse...I'm guessing he was hoping for a more adoring audience who were excited to have him back. Instead he got total indifference from pretty much all of us. Well you do reap what you sow!
DS1 went back to work and found it incredibly hard, he's' come back from work shell shocked and beyond exhausted and his legs are causing so much pain he's struggling to walk up the stairs to his room. Not good at all.