Well we had a date for the work on the kitchen to begin...the middle of September. I got a call on the Friday before the Bank Holiday to say they had a cancellation and could start on the Tuesday! So we had a busy weekend and managed to get the kitchen cleared by the end of Monday. The living room and my bedroom are filled but it's copeable.
It was only to be expected that DP did no work at all. He spent the weekend heaving and sighing about how tired he was...DD came and helped, a major mistake as she is already having a massive pain flair and is really unwell, but she just couldn't cope not doing anything. She has been super helpful, helping plan mostly but also packing. DS1 was a total star and worked hard even though he had just finished the hardest week he'd ever had at work, his boss was on holiday leaving DS1 to do his work and all the paperwork, organisation and planning and supervising what everyone else was doing! He was totally rung out but still cracked on and worked. Even DS2 helped when he wasn't doing his other activities. But DP did sweet F.A.
Today the old units were all taken out and a start was made on taking off the old wallpaper. It was noisy and DD struggled to cope. Hopefully the rest of this week will be quieter. To be honest for me the hardest bit was the boredom...I couldn't really do a lot...but also DP talking at the builder in his fake matey accent, laying down the final truth on all topics because he obviously knows everything...he is really not a nice person.
Update 1: well we are onto the second week of the kitchen remodel and the rewiring has been done and the units are being built. Freddie has coped far better than anyone imagined. He's basically slept a lot during the day in what ever room I'm sitting. I am hating all the disruption and mess but am clinging to the idea that the new kitchen will be worth it in the end.
To add to the chaos DD's bath lift stopped working. After a game of pass the buck between the company we bought the bath lift from and the company who made it...the vendors were responsible for sorting the problem but were useless...we got a new air compressor and it works beautifully again.
Also the phone decided to die...we got a new one but either the line is fracked or the new phone is rubbish because all you can hear is loud crackling. An engineer is coming to check it but not till next week.
In addition to all this DM is having even more health issues...she has what she said was a spot on her shoulder that had lasted the best part of a year. It 'burst' and caused immense pain and lots of blood...it sounds almost like a boil to me but I'm sure if it was she'd have noticed...a boil get pretty big before it bursts in my experience. Hopefully she can get it looked at and get it cleaned up if nothing else.
As if all this wasn't enough we also have a mini heat wave, the temperature is in the very high 20's and making life less than fun. We would have gone out yesterday to escape the heat but needed to stay in and cat sit instead as all the doors were open with stuff being delivered. Luckily it's not going to last beyond today but I'm not loving the heat.
Update 2: well the heatwave lasted longer than suggested in weather forecasts but is finally easing...less than a week but still not fun.
To add to all the fun of the last few weeks we are now having to get the washing machine repaired! It's still leaking from the front...really annoying. But it's also getting increasingly noisy when it's spinning, not yet at the 'bag of spanners' level but heading that way. Oh what fun!