Monday, 23 April 2018

Its been a busy few weeks

We have had a drama filled month. It began towards the end of March when Renata, our beautiful marmalade cat started throwing up. She had been totally fine in the morning, laid out on my bed as usual enjoying being petted. Then by the afternoon she was throwing up very dramatically enough that I got an appointment at the vets for the next day.

We assumed it was a stomach bug but by morning we were seriously worried as her breathing was so shallow we were scared she wouldn't survive to get to the vets. She was also trying to hide under the bed...not a good sign in a poorly cat. The vets did a bunch of tests, keeping her in all day as she was dehydrated and had lost a dramatic amount of weight for a little cat.

We went back a couple more times as the vets tried to find out what the problem was, various suggestions, diabetes, thyroid problems...all of which were fixable. However as she continued to deteriorate, she struggled to control her back legs and she went blind..also her major organs started to fail, the vets decided it was probably a major stroke or brain embolism and there was only one option.

We made an appointment to have her put to sleep and spent the last few days pampering her with all the foods she couldn't eat because of her skin allergy...she REALLY enjoyed tuna! We also loved her and looked after her. She had a nest made on my bed and at least one of, DD or DS1 was with her 24 hours a day until we had to go back to the vets. She was fading all the time and to be honest I think she understood when the vets appointment was and stayed with us till then. She was a beautiful, gracious person up to the end and let us all know she loved us and was happy to be with us.

We were all utterly lost without her. So lost that DD needed a new cat as soon as possible and we got Millie about 10 days after saying goodbye to Renata. Millie is very snuggly, she is 10 as was Renata, not the same presence or personality but she is sweet and very affectionate which is helpful as we still all miss Renata. Millie is a very welcome addition to our family.

Other than that DS1 and I have finally got round to painting the hall and stairs. We have also had the roofers round yet again to try and sort out the last two bits of damp/leak we have...fingers crossed it actually fixes it finally.

Update: we had a total cloudburst a couple of nights after the roof was fixed and absolutely no water came in so it does look as though the roof is finally watertight.

But we are now needing to get the tumble drier fixed as the start button has snapped...there is always something needing to be sorted!! We have repainting the kitchen and replacing the kitchen cupboard doors on our list next and then replacing the hall carpet. DS1 still needs to get a job and pass his driving test...other that that we are sorted...touch wood!