This week we have a General Election on Thursday and DS1 has his final year project assessed on Tuesday.
When the election was initially called the Conservatives had a massive lead...think 20%. Some Polls are now showing the Labour party to be only 1% behind. It looks as though we are back to two part politics as the Conservatives haven't lost many points but the Labour party have gained nearly 20%. Normally it wouldn't matter greatly as the difference between the two major parties isn't massive and wouldn't realistically affect us, but with Corbyn as Labour leader its catastrophic! He is a complete second rater who is antisemitic, misogynistic, a supporter of Terrorist groups such as the IRA and Hamas, is in favour of returning the country to the 70's in terms of union power and taxation and is also a massive hypocrite. As you can tell I am not a fan, though for some reason he is being lauded by large sections of the media and obviously plenty of people like him. I think he is like Trump and people are using him as a blank canvas and projecting what they want to believe onto him. Bemusing in both cases as the information about their real beliefs was out there. People just like to live in their own bubble I guess...also the fact Corbyn's initials are JC does seem to make him believe he is Messiah even if no one else actually believes that...though plenty seem to!
Corbyn's Shadow Cabinet...and potentially full is total second raters as no one in the Labour Party in Parliament with any integrity or intelligence will serve with him, which says all that needs to be said about him, and people are still wanting to vote for him. Really scary!! We will know the worst on Friday. I have to say I'm really worried, especially as there have been three terrorist attacks in recent months and Corbyn and his bunch of incompetents could be tasked with keeping the country safe. Not a good prospect given how much Corbyn loves terrorists!!
DS1 is finally working on his project but realistically needs another couple of weeks to get everything finished. Its 100% his fault as he is incredibly lazy if he can get away with it and needs tight deadlines to keep him working. He is aware of this and really tried timetabling his work and sticking to it but, as with any major project, problems he hadn't foreseen kept cropping up and instead of working overtime to keep on target time-wise he just drifted a bit. Hence the massive panic now. Fingers crossed it all goes well and his assessment goes well. He had been wanting a First but I'm thinking its more likely to be a 2.2, which is what I got so it means I can tease him as I have been brutally teased by both DD and DS1 for the inadequacy of my degree.
Other than that its not a dreadful week DP is away until Tuesday night and then away again from the weekend for a America with work, which he is insisting he won't enjoy! He is such a knob, okay if you go to America every other week with work I can see it getting dull but he's never been before and is unlikely to ever get their under his own steam so enjoy as much as you can. But he did the same last year when he went to Australia and was just so tediously boring and reckoned all he saw was hotels rooms and work...I think I'd have tried to get out a bit even if only to a supermarket or something.
He is then away again in June to France to see his Mum and sister...they are both unpleasant and I am very glad I get to avoid all contact with them. I have enough with my mum, who phoned yesterday to complain that when I'd phoned on Saturday she hadn't been able to hear me...she is relentlessly negative and unpleasant...anyway she ended the phone call by being offensive about DD basically her usual nastiness that she isn't really ill and would get better if she wanted to and was more positive. I put the phone down on her and will be too busy to pick up the phone if she calls back. DD has been incredibly poorly recently, massive amounts of pain and very limited energy. She is slowly coming round but its going to take time and I really do not need my mum to be a total bitch all the time and make it all about her.
I am obviously a bad person as so many people in my life are self absorbed and unpleasant, DP doesn't know when DD's birthday is and got the day wrong...and didn't get a card or present, or indeed wish her a happy birthday. Not that his behaviour was in any way unusual, he hasn't bought a birthday or Xmas present for any of the children in many years, or even asked what I've got them...something he used to do. I realised last year that my only contact with my DB was when I initiated contact so I left it to see how long it would take him to contact me. Its about 18 months and the answer is that he won't...its wasn't a proper relationship anyway as he wasn't really interested in anything to do with me or my life so I'm not exactly loosing anything. My DM is becoming increasingly rude as her boundaries crumble and she stops even pretending to pay lip service to good manners. I don't actually think she is getting ruder or more self absorbed I juts think her real nature is more visible and its not pretty. I don't have to actually go NC but I'll just be unavailable...or rather even more unavailable!
Update; well the election is over and the result was not good. The Conservatives ended up as the largest party but lost their majority. Corbyn seriously seems to believe he won...he did gain seats but from a historically low position and even with the support of every other non Conservative MP in the House he couldn't command a majority...that's not a win! The most depressing aspect of the whole mess is that we will probably have another election in a few months. Not good for DD who finds all the stress and anxiety really tiring...not to mention all the nastiness that floats around social media at elections demonizing anyone who might not want to vote Labour and worship socialism. Its mostly virtue signalling rather than any actual belief in the Labour Party but its hard to deal with and it makes DD extra exhausted and she struggles enough as it is.
We should find out DS1's degree grade by the end of the month...I'm hoping he did well but I'm not really expecting it if I'm honest.
Update 2: Well DS1 did really well and got a 2.1. I'm really pleased as its a prestigious university and a world class course so they don't need to inflate the grades to justify the fees. Grade inflation is a real problem in second rate unis and ex-polys as can be seen by the first J's son got, He is a degree in the sociology of education at an ex-poly...not a real degree and I imagine LOTS of firsts were awarded. I congratulated her and didn't anything bitchy but I thought it!!