Friday, 22 April 2016

The year continues to be sh*t

Well DS2 finally got interviewed by the Police...2 hours!!! And they eventually decided they wouldn't pursue the case, not I think because they believe he hadn't done anything wrong but because they couldn't pressure him into agreeing with their version of events. I have absolutely no respect for the Police at all in how badly they have handled this whole incident. I had planned to write a complaint listing the many ways in which they had messed up
  • not speaking to College to assess the complaints validity before they decided DS2 was guilty and they would pursue the case to its ludicrous conclusion
  • not contacting me as his carer or his social worker when they decided to ban him from College, or indeed when they got the complaint or when they decided to pursue it. This should have been a basic requirement given he is a vulnerable child in Care. They really have no clue!
  • not informing anyone concerned..i.e. DS2, College, Social Services, me, about anything!
  • not understanding that DS2's actual trauma was at least as valid as the complainers 'potential' trauma. This is a major one and totally demonstrates the mind set of the Police, DS2 was a 'perpetrator' and so should be punished whilst the complainants were 'victims' and so needed to be pandered to. Even when it became blindly obvious to everyone, except the Police obviously, that the complaints were malicious fantasies the Police couldn't change how they dealt with the incident as their minds are just to slow and inflexible.
  • not communicating with the College or Social Services when they decided not to pursue the case anymore, even though they were demanding, with no rational given, that Austin stay under total supervision. They are ignorant to a level I have never experienced previously
Anyway after dragging through 3 months of Police crap I decided it would be a total waste of my time to send a complaint as the Police don't have the intelligence to actually read and process anything I wrote and they certainly don't have the ability to reflect on their processes and perhaps accept that they could have handled things better and maybe their processes need to be amended.

DD and I had both found dealing with DS2's unbelievable levels of stress with being off College and  the very leisured way the Police dealt with the case hard. DS1 came home from Uni with a cold which we all caught, DS2 was better in  a few days. DD and I not so much, it was a crap cold anyway but we took it to extremes, I ended up with a perforated ear drum which is proving less than fun. DD has just been really poorly, very little sleep because she's coughing and generally feeling deathly. We are finally getting over the cold but its not been fun. DD had to postpone a hair appointment(which she seriously needs) because she was way too ill to go, not sure how I'd have coped driving to be honest.

My DM has been in hospital again, another ambulance ride to York because she couldn't breath. Given she is still smoking I have zero sympathy for her. She is also loosing all filters so becoming even more self centred and unpleasant than before, all conversation is about her so very dull and she is endlessly snide and unpleasant. I did a tally chart once when she was on the phone totting up all her snide comments, practically everything she said was nasty. I will be overjoyed when she finally dies as far as I am concerned the sooner the better!

DP will be doing a job in Australia this summer which is great news for us all as he will be away for at least a week and so we get a holiday from him and can do fun stuff. It also means he'll have less holiday as the only way he can fit this job in is to use his leave time to do it, a double win for us as it means he has fewer days to be flopping around at home being bored and boring.

So while the year is still not picking up and sh*t continues to fall on us the year should pick up and we will, hopefully, have some good luck in the rest of the year.