This close to Xmas 'counting down the days' should mean the countdown to Xmas but not in my house! DP has booked 8 days off work...not for any specific reason, he just had loads of holiday left and this was a convenient time for his ego (because he feels work will be able to cope without him) to take the holiday. Unfortunately it means he is at home for 12 days...there is no way I can describe the utter tedium of having him home for such a long period of time. He has nothing to do...other than his usual faffing around and he is bored and floppy. I asked him to take my car to the garage to get it looked and he wouldn't because 'he didn't know what to say'....god he is pathetic and such a baby! That's the sort of excuse I'd expect from a teenager not an adult!
He is filling his days with 'running'...not sure how much running he actually does as the place he reckons he runs is 15 minutes drive from our house and as he's only out of the house for just over half an hour it doesn't leave a lot of time if he is planning on training for a marathon....oh yes he is that delusional. He is also spending lots of time 'practising' his French...he thinks he is really good a French, and I will agree he is better than I am, he has listened some 'learn French' cds and is 'practising' by watching DS9 in French....with English subtitles. Not sure it achieves much other than annoying me as he has the volume on so loud. He is also messing about with a chess book he's had for well more than 10 years and is still 'working his way through it'.
Other than that he is 'talking' to me...this involves him holding forth on whatever topic he has decided he is an expert on and talking. I am not expected to respond in any way...indeed if I do he gets huffy..he is deigning to give me the benefits of his amazing wisdom so I don't need to speak! I have years of experience in ignoring his monologues so just play deaf and find a job that means I need to leave the room. God he is dull!
So anyway we have 10 more days of this to go before he is back at work. Not looking forward to any of it. He will then be off for Xmas and will bore us all over again. At least this year my parents aren't coming over, not sure they know this yet but I am not inviting them and have made it clear we are doing nothing. Well if they ask they will be told. DD is way too poorly to cope with any extra messing about and noise!
On a happier note DS1 came home for a couple of coach which he did find exhausting. He came because he wanted a tattoo from the lady who is doing his other tattoos...she is in Middlesbrough and the easiest way to get to her was to come home so I could drive him, and he could get his washing done, sort new rugby boots and a haircut and then go back to London. It was over his birthday but that was not by choice it just happened that way. It was lovely seeing him he was happy to get chance to see is sister and get all his jobs sorted...and paid for by me! His Dad spoke to him once...very briefly...while he was here. Didn't wish him 'Happy Birthday' was his 21st...or anything. In fact his dad has no idea what he got for his 21st...or really any interest! Not a great parent that's for sure.
Anyway I will go and continue my countdown to sanity!
Update: well we are down to only 2 days now. God its been hard....not helped by the fact he got a 'cold' and has been 'coughing' endlessly. Given DD used to get viral coughs that were so bad she'd get sent home from High School on a regular basis every winter and DS1 has asthma so can struggle with breathing so I am used to people coughing but DP really did manage to exceed everything I have ever experienced. He was relentless...too 'poorly' to do much, like go running, out to the gym or even go to his class. Not good as it meant he was home ALL THE F***ING TIME!! I had hoped he's go down and see his step mum at least one day when he was off...she is lovely and he hasn't been down to see her even once since his dad died which is beyond rude and ignorant in my book.
Anyway we are all still alive...if only just in DD's case. She has been very unwell but will, hopefully, feel better on Monday. Even if she is still poorly at least she can be poorly without her dad 'coughing' and being 'ill' around the place all day!!!
Update 2: he is finally back at work and we have had 3 prat free days. DD is really unwell at the moment so we have not been able to do any of the things we promised ourselves we would once we had some time for ourselves. Hopefully next week will be easier.